Mise à l’eau du premier M.9 electro-solaire

April, 30th 2024 marked an important milestone for Millikan Boats with the christening ceremony of our latest addition, the M.9, orchestrated by Sophie Gaugain, First Vice-President of the Normandy Region. The event was an opportunity to unveil our catamaran, now decked out with a roof and partially equipped with solar panels, in front of an audience of elected representatives from Normandy, Calvados and Mondevillais, as well as a large number of media representatives.

The day was also an opportunity to bring together our employees, partners, subcontractors and suppliers, as well as our financial backers, both public and private, who have all contributed to bringing this ambitious project to fruition.

The Millikan Boats team put in an incredible amount of effort to prepare the M.9 for its first launch. We are proud to have been able to share the culmination of this work with the public.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Vincent Lebailly and his team, Julien Reemers, Jonathan His, and all our partners for their unfailing support.

Our thanks also go to the many elected representatives who took the time to come and discover our energy self-sufficient catamaran, an innovation that demonstrates our commitment to sustainable development. They included Hélène Burgat, Mayor of Mondeville, Florent Lepert, Regional Director of BPI France, and Mathieu Forget, President of Initiative Calvados.

The Millikan Boats adventure continues with unwavering passion and motivation, fuelled by an energy source as inexhaustible as the sun that powers our catamaran.